Therapeutic Flow State Massage can relieve symptoms and help heal injuries, aches, and pains. It can also improve circulation, reduce the buildup of toxins, and increase flexibility.


The biology behind therapeutic massage is still under active investigation, but current evidence suggests that it stimulates brain circuits that control the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. This decreases your stress level and increases serotonin levels, enhancing overall mood.

A good massage therapist will understand your need for relaxation and will provide an environment that allows you to relax completely. They will ask for feedback throughout the session and adjust their pressure accordingly. They will also provide suggestions on how to manage stress at home and in the office.

The rhythmic movements and soothing sounds of a professional massage help your body release neurotransmitters such as serotonin and endorphins. These chemicals in turn reduce your feelings of stress and depression and promote a feeling of well-being.

During the massage, you will be asked to undress to your comfort level and lie on a padded table under a sheet. During the treatment, your therapist will only uncover the areas they are working on. Generally, the massage consists of gliding strokes and kneading techniques on your torso and legs. Some deep tissue work may be done on tense muscles.

The increased blood flow during a massage helps in carrying oxygen and nutrients to your muscle tissues, and removes waste products. This will result in reduced muscular stiffness and improved flexibility.

In addition to blood, your lymph system also gets a healthy boost during massage. Lymph is your body’s natural defense system and contains antimicrobial enzymes that fight infection.

It’s normal for some people to feel a little sore in the days following their massage. This is because the deep muscle work can cause a build-up of toxins in your muscles, which then causes you to experience some pain. However, this should subside within a few days.

After the massage, it’s important to drink plenty of water. This will help your body to flush out any remaining toxins and reduce the likelihood of bruising. You should try to get some rest and sleep as well, so that you feel energized in the morning and ready for your day.

Pain Relief

Massage therapy decreases pain by increasing blood flow, interrupting the pain cycle and releasing endorphins. In addition, massage can help prevent injuries by decreasing inflammation and adhesions. Massage also improves posture, range of motion and flexibility. It can also relieve depression by relieving the effects of stress on the body.

Studies show that massage decreases the levels of a hormone called’substance P’ which responds to outside stress and is involved in sensory and, most notably, painful pathways in the nervous system. ‘Substance P’ is found to be decreased in areas that receive massage, suggesting that it may reduce pain and tension.

The touch of massage relaxes muscles, tendons and ligaments. This can be beneficial to deep muscle layers that are not easily accessed by other therapies. The release of these layers can help increase balance and alignment in the whole body. It can also aid in releasing the feeling of touch, which is something many people are missing because of fear of the flu pandemic. This sense of touch has been found to alleviate symptoms of PTSD and increase overall mood.

When an injury occurs the body’s natural response is to tighten all the surrounding muscles to protect the injured area. This restriction of movement restricts blood flow which causes the tissues to become swollen. This swollen area is harder for the body to get nutrients to and can cause more damage. Massage increases blood flow to the injured area which allows the tissue to heal quicker.

A study done by researchers at the University of Miami School of Medicine found that a massage decreases the inflammatory marker ‘chemokine’, and increases levels of ‘interleukin-6’, which is involved in wound healing. Another positive finding was that the participants in this study had lower levels of cortisol, which is a key inflammatory factor.

A person experiencing chronic pain can be treated with NSAIDs or opioids, but these medications have serious side effects including liver failure and addiction. Many clients are seeking more natural ways to alleviate their pain and that’s why they are turning to massage.

Improved Blood Circulation

The circulatory system transports oxygen-rich blood to every tissue and cell of your body, but when there’s tight muscle tension or other health issues, your circulation can slow down. Regular massages can improve your overall circulatory health, delivering vital nutrients throughout your entire body and speeding up the healing process after injury or illness.

The kneading, friction and compression of massage techniques work on the muscles and other soft tissues to stimulate the flow of blood. The pressure created by massage also increases venous return, pushing deoxygenated blood back toward the heart. This improved circulation delivers more oxygen to muscles, and flushes away toxins, helping your cells and organs function better.

When the arteries and veins in your body are relaxed, they are able to widen, or dilate. This is called vasodilation, and it is a key way that massage increases blood flow. This improves the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to your tissues, helping everything from blood pressure to skin elasticity. It also speeds up the recovery from exercise and injury.

During a massage, the effleurage technique of sliding the hands over the body is the main method for increasing blood flow and improving circulation. This method is used with varying tempo and pressure depending on the condition of the client’s tissues and what else the massage therapist wants to accomplish with the session.

Another important way that massage increases blood circulation is by reducing the contractions of the muscle fibers. This reduces the amount of lactic acid and other waste products in the muscles, which allows them to heal faster after exercise or injury.

Research has shown that massage decreases the inflammatory response of the muscles to stress, and it also increases muscle movement, which is beneficial for improving the range of motion after an injury or surgery. It also improves the functioning of the immune system.

Lastly, the increased circulation from massage decreases the inflammatory response to exercise, which can help prevent injuries and enhance athletic performance. It also increases the filtration of lymph fluid, which carries metabolic wastes away from muscles and internal organs, allowing them to function more efficiently.

Improved Sleep

If you are someone who struggle with sleeping well, you know how much a poor night’s rest can impact your entire day. Many people try all sorts of things to improve their sleep – medication, specialist teas and even exercise, but there is another simple and natural solution that has been proven to work – massage!

Research shows that massage significantly impacts the body’s ability to fall and stay asleep. This is because massage soothes the factors that are known to cause insomnia and sleep disruptions, such as stress, pain, anxiety and tension. The results of these studies also show that levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, decrease, while levels of serotonin and dopamine, which are neurotransmitters that regulate emotions and feelings of well-being, increase following a massage.

This reduction in stress and a general feeling of calmness is what helps many people to relax enough to get a good night’s sleep. In addition, many of the aches and pains that are associated with sleep problems can be alleviated through regular massage sessions.

The other reason that massage is so effective at improving sleep is because it resets the body’s sleep cycle. This is due to the fact that massage therapy promotes the production of serotonin, which is a precursor for melatonin, a sleep-promoting hormone. This is important because melatonin signals to the brain that it is time for bed, and lowers arousal levels so you can fall asleep easily.

If you want to improve your sleep, it is important to visit a professional massage therapist that uses techniques such as long strokes, circular movements and kneading to help the muscles to release and relax. In particular, Deep Tissue and Swedish Massage are both great options because they target muscle groups throughout the whole body, promoting relaxation and reducing arousal. In the same way, Acupressure and Trigger Point Massage can be very beneficial for promoting better sleep, as they target specific sore muscle areas that can cause insomnia. Regular massages, combined with a healthy diet and exercise, can really help you to feel your best and sleep better.